Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

America's Next Top Model cycle 16 Winner

Brittani Kline adalah "America's Next Top Model' cycle 16 Winner..
sebenarnya acara ANTM cycle 16 ini sudah lama sekali.. tp aku mau mensharekan ke kalian beberapa fotonya  Brittani Kline.

Ini adalah fotonya Brittani di Majalah Vogue..

Aku bener-bener suka gayanya dia pas make
baju ini.. so simple, and bergaya
Disini dia bener-bener kelihat seperti cow

Model rambut Brittani di ANTM cycle 16

Kalo yang ini aku pingin nyoba eyes make upnya :D

Ini adalah foto favoritku disini passionnya sungguh
terasa, ada sisi feminim, cool, maskulin, dan keteduhan.
Semuanya bercampur jadi satu

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

23 Nov 2011

tanggal 23 itu adalah hari keberuntunganku..

  1. tugas perpajakan yang mayan sulit udah aq slesein, dan itu bisa menggabungkan semua unsur yang diminta dosenku
  2. pas berangkat ke kampus,, aq brangkatnya mepet cz baru selesai bwt tugas perpajakan jam set 10, dan kuliah perpajakan itu jam set 11 hahahaha.. di terowongan dkt rmhku ada cegatan, aq berpikir ah tenang aq bawa STNK kok.. tp setelah di cari di dompet n di tas ternyata ga bawa... aq dah masang tampang takut, tp untungnya para Polisi itu gak liat aq... Nah pas aq mau masukan dompet Polisi depanku tanya "udah mba?"  aq jawab aj  "udah pak." hahahaahaha.. emg si aq salah tp mau gmn lagi.. 
  3. pas udah smp rumah aq ngeliat 2 anak cew dari SD Kanisius (SDku dulu), cew pertama manggil-manggil tuan rumah, cew ke dua ngeliat jambu rmh dpnq yang sudah mateng.. aq mikir "WOW! Great! sebelum mereka mau ngambil, mereka bilang dulu... Jaman sekarang anak2 seperti itu susah didapet...."   anak pertama dah manggil-manggil yang pny tuan rumah.. tp gak keluar2.. trs dia manggil aq.. dan aku pikir dia mau bilang kalo mereka ngambil jambunya.. hahaha.... tp ternyata salah besar!   dia manggil2 itu tny mau pinjem wc... krn org dpn rmh ga keluar2.. maka dia minta ke aku, dan aku kabulkan permintaannya dia.. cz kalo dia sakit perut dan itu ditahan.. pasti rasanya gak enk bgt :D

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Thx You Music School Purnomo

Wow! work shop bersama Nita Aartsen.. gilee keren bgt dah dia mainin tu keybordnya....
kapan gw jadi kyk dia... bisa sehebat itu...
kemaren dia baru ngajarin ttg 'rasa' music, seperti music tipe2 salsa itu kyk gmn, belum sampe ke teknisnya....
trs dia juga bilang kalo dari 4/4 diganti ke 3/4 itu juga bisa.. tp perlu sedikit perhitungan....

aku pingin mengexplor ide2ku tp kyknya susah... nadanya sudah dapet, tp mesti ntr lupa lagi.... trs akordnya kyk gmn lagi...
aaarrrggghhh puyeng...yg jelas besok pas liburan aku akan fokus ke pianoku...

Februari:  Lomba -Air Ruses-
               Elektone rame-rame..  (semoga kita menang tingkat jateng! dan lanjut ke nasional! Amiiiiinnn)

Winter Games, Spain >> masih nunggu bwt dimainkan.... come on guys!
Keep on Fire!!!!!!

Lirik _Selamanya-Nita Aartsen_

Have you ever close your eyes try to listen to your heart way deep inside,
fell the every warmth touching your soul

And suddenly you realize life is like a river
Sadness and happiness, come into our lives side by side.

All the colours you bring, into my life
Tak pernah ku kira cinta membawa sejuta warna
Make my me walk through live, like a gentle stream
Kau sangat mengerti sangat berarti dalam hidupku

Quero siempre mi amor, juntos en trieste y feliz
Abrazamos el alma patener un sueno
Ku ingin bersamamu, menjalani hari-hariku
Por siempre quero estar contigo,

You make me shine all through the years
Make me have faith in my self
Do what I do, stand where I stand reaching my dreams.

Stand like a rock, face all the winds, make ease

of all comes our way
Ku ingin bersamamu kasih selamanya
(Quero estar contigo, por siempre, mi amore, selamanya)

Selasa, 15 November 2011

You know, what would I do!

apa yang terjadi pada tmnq sekarang terjadi sama aku...
Dulu aq bisa ngomong gampang buat nglupain pacar, tp sekarang bussyyeett daaaahh --" susahnya minta ampun!......

4 hari ini hubunganku sama pacarku daddy si berantakan banget..
Jujur 4 hari yg lalu itu aq bener-bener BT bgt sama dia....
dy ngerencanain mau nonton dvd di rmhnya tmnq yg ada home teaternya, sebelum rame-rame nonton aq ngobrol ma daddy, n dia tu pingin aq tu gak ngemil trs, tapi aq lagi pingin ngemil,, entah kenapa dia jadi sewot sendiri (BT pertama)... aq si tau kalo ngemil itu buat badan melar..tp mau gmn lagi... gek pingin oq...

gak lama kemudian roby datang, trs daddy n roby ngobrol dan aku di cuekin (BT ke-2), akirnya kita (aku, sinta, daddy, roby) akirnya mau nonton dvd di rumhe sinta... tapi ternyata tu  dvd gak mau kebaca, akirnya kita berencana mau pinjam dvd di persewaan dvd...

Daddy dan roby goncengan, aku sama sinta goncenga... aq ngoncengin sinta make motornya daddy, nah tu motor di keluarinnya susah bgt, daddy tnya perlu bantuan gak? tp aku gak njawab, cz aq gek BT, ee mlh dia gak bntuin.. harusnya itu dia tw lah kalo tu posisi motor sulit (BT ke-3).... ckckck

Stlh pinjem dvd aq sama sinta pulang duluan, trs roby n daddy pergi cari makan, karena aku sama sinta yg datang duluan, maka aq pulang rumah dan makan.  Aq di rumah lama sekali, aq pikir mereka beli cemilan dan minumannya nya ngantri, aku nyoba sms daddy 2x, dan roby, tp gak di jawab, trs aku sms sinta tnya mereka dah datang apa blm,, sinta bilang "udah dari tadi non.... kamu dimanaaaa???"
gila liat smsnya sinta itu aq guonduk bgt.... masak gak ada yg manggil aq, kalopun mereka manggil dan aq gak dateng-dateng itu brarti aq gak denger kalo ada panggilan... mestinya si daddy tu ya sms aku ato py lah...
setelah di rumahnya sinta si daddy cuman bilang sorry aq gak tw kalo ada sms cz hpku di tas...  *bussssyyeeettt daaaahhhhhhhhhhh.... ni orang bener-bener bikin guooonndukkee bgt...* (BT ke-4 yang paling hebat dan sangar) ya dah to slama nonton dy ta cuekin ta ketusi..
urusan gue ya gue,,, lu ya lu...

ee sekarang aku kok malah kangen ma tu bocah... sarap bgt, dulu aq dah brusaha ngeyakinkan diri, di coba dulu sapa tau kita bisa kembali kayak dulu,, dan ternyata aq salah besar! 
hari ini adalah tgl jadianq, kemaren-kemaren dia ribut trs krn aq gak ngucapkan happy anniversary, dan sekarang aku ngomong ke dia, tapi tidak ada responnya...

so you know, what would I do! hahahahaha..

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Super Junior >> Paris

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

News From Yesung

09 June 2011 5.30pm >> Ini adalah jam yang membuat saya sangat kaget!

Yesung ngetweet salah satu dari fansnya..
Yesung meminta fansnya itu menunjukann fotonya (si fans).. Disitu Yesung sangat-sangat ingin melihatnya tetapi fansnya itu menolak karena dia bilang 'wajahnya adalah sebuah misteri'.. wow!!...

Tidak beberapa lama kemudian saya kembali melihat twitternya Yesung.. tetapi twitnya itu sudah dihapus.. dan twit fansnya juga sudah dihapus..

Saya menduga bahwa Yesung mungkin menyukai si gadis itu..
Karena beberapa hari setelah KIMCHI 2011 ada salah satu fans lainnya sebut saja si B bertanya kepada Yesung "apa yang sedang terjadi bla bla bla"  (disini saya agak sedikit lupa apa yang dia katakan kepada Yesung.
Yesung bilang "Ini adalah privasi kami..tolong anda jangan ikt sampur" LOL...

Kelihatannya Yesung bener-bener suka ma ini cew.. cz dari gaya bicaranya agak berbeda.. hoho...

Yesung & Eeteuk speak Indonesian with fans @ Kiss The Radio

Ini berita lucu dari @yesungworld yang dilakukan Leader SJ -Eeteuk- yang sebenarnya sudah agak lama sih, tapi lum sempat kami postingkan.. hohoho

Eeteuk mau menyapa fans Indonesia memakai bahasa Indonesia.. tetapi ternyata salah.. hahahaa....

"Assalamualikum.. nama saya E-etuk.  Nama saya Indonesia bla bla bla..." LOL


Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Fantasi K-Pop Festival 2011

Setelah KIMCHI yang diadakan oleh W-Production, sebentar lagi tgl 18 Juni di Istora Senayan ini ada Fantasi K-Pop Festival 2011.  Artis- artis yang akan meramaikan acara ini adalah 2AM, MISS A, JOO, LEE HYUN, SAN E.  Jadi jangan ketinggalan.

Harga tiketnya:

VVIPby requestby request
VIPRP. 1.450.000,-RP. 1.595.000,-
TRIBUNE IRP. 1.000.000,-RP. 1.100.000,-
FESTIVALRP. 750.000,00RP. 825.000,-
TRIBUNE II & IIIRP. 500.000,00RP. 550.000,-

Muka Sedih Dong Hae

Sekitar jam 01.30pm Dong Hae menampilkan wajah kesalnya, karena harus segera meninggalkan Indonesia.  
Di Twitter dia berkata "Good bye Indonesia ELF Thank you for showing me a lot of love !! I love u !take care!!"

Sedih juga si kalo SJ mau meninggalkan Indonesia, tapi apa boleh bwt.. kerjaannya mereka sungguh sangat padat.. Semoga mereka selalu sehat dalam job yang banyak..

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011


Guys ini adalah K-Pop Festival 2011 yang pertama kali digelar di Indonesia.. Menghadirkan Super Junior (Full Team), Girl's Day, X-5, The Boss, and Park Jung Min.

Acara yang digelar ini bener2 keren BGT! ditambah dengan antusiasnya salah satu member SJ >> Yesung.  Hampir stiap saat dia menginformasikan tentang keberadaanya dan temen2nya di Twitter @yesungworld

"KIMCHI will start soon! are you ready for Super Junior, Indonesian ELF ?"  "[INFO] Donghae arrived already at Indonesia." "[INFO] Indonesia airport - Soekarna Hatta really really crowded now. ELF are waiting for the first come, Donghae !"

생일 축하 Park Yoochun Oppa :)

Hari ini adalah ulang tahunnya Park Yoo Chun ke 25 tahun..

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Ripley’s Leads Shoot Their First Scene Together

Lee Da-hae plays Jang Miri, who is loosely based on Shin Jeong-ah, a now infamous professor who faked her academic credentials to climb the social ladder. Her character is described as a femme fatale, which is quite broad, but we can expect her to be a dark heroine, who “tells a lie that changes her life.” And then has to perpetuate that lie, which is always the problem with lying, isn’t it?

Micky Yoochun plays Yutaka, a Korean-Japanese hotel chaebol son. Hm. Yunno, on paper, this drama sounds EXACTLY the same as Lie to Me. Hotel chaebol son, heroine who tells a really big lie, then romantic entanglements ensue. Is Lie to Me just Ripley plus comedy? Or will Ripley be Lie to Me minus the fun?

To her credit, Miri doesn’t know that Yutaka is a gazillionaire’s son when they first meet, in this scene. But she reportedly tells an eensy weensy lie by mistake, which begets another lie, and another, and another, eventually snowballing into a massive avalanche of fraud that she can’t undo. Interesting. Yutaka falls in love with her (early on, pre-avalanche), which sounds like it might pose a tiny problem for him. Or yunno… be the source of his tragic demise. Life Lesson: First comes kissing, then comes background check, verified by a third party, followed by a waiting period of ninety days… and THEN comes love.

 premieres Monday May 30 on MBC, following The Duo. If you’re making brackets, it’s up against Lie to Me and Baby-Faced Beauty. Place your bets!

copy: soompi

Minggu, 24 April 2011

New May Drama Lineups: Return of Lee Min Ho, JYJ Yoochun, Jang Nara, Yoon Eun Hye and Others to the Small Screen

May is the month of spring fever and romance. Fierce spiteful women turn into delicate soft-hearted creatures as do our small screen characters. Money and inheritance takes the back seat to love. Six new dramas are slated for May premieres, and viewers can anticipate the comeback of several top celebrities, as well as the return of star screenwriters. Fans can happily pick and choose which dramas to watch depending on their tastes.
 KBS2 Mon/Tues Baby-Faced Beauty (Airs May 2nd) – Bright Girl’s Success Story once more?
Most Korean drama female protagonists have a tendency to lack something – whether it be money or family or something else depends on the plot – and the story revolves around how this female lead was able to conquer all obstacles and find happiness. Baby-Faced Beauty’s So Young (Jang Nara) is a 34 year old single woman, a high school graduate, and a credit delinquent. The only thing that works to her advantage is her young looks. Jin Wook (Choi Daniel) plays her love interest. The only thing Jin Wook looks for in a girl is her age – she must not be older than he. The catch? Jin Wook is a young twenty-something year old guy who looks older than he really is. Baby-Faced Beauty­ takes place in the fast-paced fashion world. The real challenge the drama will face is how realistically it will be able to portray the fashion industry.
 MBC Wed/Thurs The Best Love (Airs May 4rth ) – Another Hong Sisters hit?
If you’ve been following Korean dramas, you’re probably aware of the Hong sisters. They’ve written mega-popular trendy dramas like Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang (2005), Hong Gil Dong (2008), My Girlfriend is a Nine-tailed Fox (2010), and many others.  This time, they work their magic on the topic of celebrity fake marriages. Korean fans are known to be extreme, they’ve even earned the nickname “netizen investigators” (netizen = internet + citizens) for being able to dig celebrities’ veiled pasts. The topic of pretend marriages has also been popular thanks to MBC’s reality show We Got MarriedThe Best Love centers around former idol star Goo Ae Jung (Gong Hyo Jin) and current A-list actor Dok Go Jin (Cha Seung Won) as they strike a deal to “marry.”
 SBS Mon/Tues Lie To Me (Airs May 9th ) – A lie sparked romance?
There have been many dramas in the past where the two leads get entangled in a misunderstanding and eventually fall in love. Yoon Eun Hye’s new drama Lie to Me is one of those dramas. Gong Ah Jung (Yoon Eun Hye) is a level 5 civil servant working for the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In order to escape the biased views people have towards unmarried woman, she lies and claims she's married to a well-known hotel CEO Hyun Ki Joon (Kang Ji Hwan). Judging by their previous works like Yoon Eun Hye’s Princes Hours (2006) and Kang Ji Hwan’s My Girlfriend is an Agent, both actors are pretty strong in the rom-com genre; and viewers can expect great bickering on-screen chemistry between these two.  
KBS2 Wed/Thurs Romance Town (Airs May 11st) – Suspicious housemaid coming through?!
Chaebols and housemaids are nothing new in Korean drama land. However, most dramas tend to focus on the extravagent lives of chaebols. Romance Town will turn its attention to the maids working for the chaebols. Two beautiful actresses, Sung Yuri of bubble-gum pop girl group Fin.K.L and Min Hyo Rin, will star as housemaids. Sung Yuri plays a third generation housemaid who’s though and relentless, while Min Hyo Rin plays an attractive teenaged housemaid. Additionally, their two bosses, the madams of the house, do not make their lives any easier.
SBS Wed/Thurs City Hunter (Airs May 25th) – Manga + Lee Min Ho = success?
Tsukasa Hojo’s manga City Hunter is finally getting a drama adaptation. His original manga series was published in Japanese manga magazine Boy Jump from 1985 to 1992. The series have sold over a million copies in Korea. Lee Min Ho is no stranger to portraying manga characters. He shot to stardom in 2009 playing Goo Joon Pyo in Boys Before Flowers. However, his City Hunter character is completely different from the former. Lee Min Ho plays Lee Yoon Sung, a MIT graduate who works at the Blue House as part of the National Communications Team. He’s affectionate, caring, and optimistic but battles loneliness. Lee Min Ho is currently busy in Thailand for overseas filming.  
MBC Mon/Tues Ripley (Airs May 30th) – Will it meet the expectations?
Ripley has the latest air date out of all the May premiering dramas, and it’s also been making headlines ever since talks about producing it were underway. News about casting JYJ member Park Yoo Chun has fueled much of the anticipations. This melodrama centers around an ambitious woman who does anything and everything she can to gain whatever she wants – that is until her extensive lies catch up to her. Ripley has a much heavier plot than the rest of the spring dramas, which tend to be more trendy and light. Actors Kim Seung Woo, Lee Da Hae, Park Yoo Chun, and Kang Hye Jung have been casted as leads.
 Copy Paste from soompi